Research And

We develop technical studies and industry analyses that generate qualified information and serve as reference materials.
A Temporary Technical Committee (TTC) is formed whenever there is a need for further research and development in a specific subject in the environmental area, be it related to LIFE Methodology or other environmental demands from society.
Our publications are:
The shapefiles of Brazilian ecoregions (terrestrial and marine) are available for download and use. Those interested in using/disseminating/mentioning this material must specify their shared authorship between LIFE Institute and Federal University of Goiás (Conservation Biogeography Lab), in all used means of dissemination (reports, websites, presentations, etc.), as follows:
Source: LIFE Institute/ Federal University of Goiás – Conservation Biogeography Lab (2015).
he shapefiles of Paraguayan ecoregions (terrestrial and marine) are available for download and use. Those interested in using/disseminating/mentioning this material must specify their shared authorship between LIFE Institute and Asociación Guyrá in all used means of dissemination (reports, websites, presentations, etc.), as follows:
Source: LIFE Institute/ Asociación Guyrá (2016).
The shapefiles of European ecoregions (terrestrial and marine) are available for download and use. Those interested in using/disseminating/mentioning this material must specify their shared authorship between LIFE Institute and Ecoacsa – Reserva de Biodiversidad in all used means of dissemination (reports, websites, presentations, etc.), as follows:
Source: LIFE Institute / Ecoacsa – Reserva de Biodiversidad (2021).