LIFE Biodiversity Credits
“A biodiversity credit is a certificate that represents a measured and evidence-based unit of positive biodiversity outcome that is durable and additional to what would have otherwise occurred.” – Biodiversity Credits Alliance
This result is assessed through a rigorous process of independent auditing and certification.
The positive balance has a tradable value in the market and can be negotiated as a biodiversity credit.
Explore here the rules applied to LIFE Biodiversity Credits.
Details about the methodology used to calculate Biodiversity Credits are available here.
Biodiversity Credits Platform
Company/Project | Projects Description | Certifying Body | Estimated Credit | Status | Country | Biomes | Ecoregion | Contact | Code |
Caiman Agropecuária | Having the ecotourism as the main driver of actions for conservation and preservation of the Southern Pantanal, the initiative combines livestock farming with biodiversity conservation projects, including fauna and flora monitoring actions and reintroduction of fauna species, with emphasis on | Neocert | 473.446,16 | Under assessment | Brazil | Pantanal | Pantanal | | - |
SPVS - Reserva Natural Guaricica | Located in the heart of the Great Atlantic Forest Reserve, the Guaricica Natural Reserve has 7,076.54 hectares, is located in the Cachoeira River basin, in the municipality of Antonina (PR) and is owned by the Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education (SPVS). With the acquisition of a group of farms and the hiring of most of the employees who worked on them, it was possible to begin a broad restoration process in areas at different stages of conservation. Today, 56% of the Guaricica Natural Reserve is already qualified as a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), generating substantial values for the municipality through the ICMS-Ecological mechanism of the State of Paraná. | Neocert | 590.437,23 | Under assessment | Brazil | Atlantic Forest | Serra do Mar coastal forest | | - |
SPVS - Reserva Natural das Águas | Located in Antonina (PR), with a small territory in Morretes (PR), the Águas Natural Reserve (RNA) is part of the heart region of the Great Atlantic Forest Reserve. With the acquisition of a group of farms and the hiring of most of the employees who worked on them, it was possible to begin a broad restoration process in areas at different stages of conservation. Today the Reserve houses a forest remnant of 2,975.64 hectares, and is responsible for supplying water to the municipality of Antonina. Furthermore, 58% of the Águas Natural Reserve is already qualified as a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), generating substantial values for the municipality through the ICMS-Ecological mechanism of the State of Paraná. | Neocert | 271.762,80 | Under assessment | Brazil | Atlantic Forest | Serra do Mar coastal forest | ||
SPVS - Reserva Natural Papagaio-de-cara-roxa | The Papagaio-da-cara-roxa Natural Reserve (RNP) is located in the municipality of Guaraqueçaba, the heart of the Great Atlantic Forest Reserve. With the acquisition of a group of farms and the hiring of most of the employees who worked on them, it was possible to begin a broad restoration process in areas at different stages of conservation. Today, the Reserve, with 5,374.77 hectares, is home to important natural remnants, including mangroves, natural nurseries that produce a lot of nature. Furthermore, 91% of the Papagaio-da-cara-roxa Natural Reserve is already qualified as a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), generating substantial values for the municipality through the ICMS-Ecological mechanism of the State of Paraná. | Neocert | 521.795,51 | Under assessment | Brazil | Atlantic Forest | Serra do Mar coastal forest | ||
Incorporadora Manicoré - Fazenda Lagoa Grande II | The Lagoa Grande II Farm, with its native forest cover fully intact, covers a total area of 39,622.83 hectares, representing a valuable forest remnant. In this context, the preservation of these lands and the ecosystems that exist on them is extremely important. Incorporadora Manicoré is solidly and responsibly committed to finding ways to capitalize on the environmental services provided by this area. To this end, in its Legal Reserve surplus, an area of 7,924.57 hectares, the organization concentrates its conservation actions; among them the implementation of REDD+ Projects and other initiatives aimed at obtaining LIFE Biodiversity Credits, based on the mechanism for creating protected areas. | Neocert | 289.188,97 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Madeira/Tapajós moist forests | | - |
M. I. Incorporadora - Fazenda Cabaça | Cabaça Farm I and II, located in the municipality of Borba, State of Amazonas, covers an area of 82,809.73 hectares and is managed by M. I. INCORPORADORA. It stands out for preserving 100% of its native forest cover. With all efforts aimed at ensuring the non-anthropization of its area, the company's actions are directed towards the creation of protection areas and conservation projects that seek to generate carbon credits through avoided deforestation (REDD+) and biodiversity credits ( LIFE) guaranteeing the integral preservation of its areas and ecosystems located there. The main conservation action generating LIFE Biodiversity Credits is focused on the creation of a protection area with 16,561.95 hectares relating to its Legal Reserve surplus. As the implementation of the LIFE Methodology advances, the organization hopes to amplify conservation efforts and initiatives within its property. | Neocert | 544.867,01 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Madeira/Tapajós moist forests | | - |
OCB Forestry | With the operationalization of its forest remnants, OCB aims to guarantee the conservation and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems present in its areas. With the implementation of robust monitoring of forest fires and the operationalization of its | Neocert | 5.012,02 | Under assessment | Brazil | Cerrado | Cerrado | | - |
Yaco - Fazenda Castanhal | Located in the municipality of Aripuanã, Mato Grosso, Fazenda Castanhal is one of five rural properties under the management of the YACO group, which is part of the group's initiative to manage its areas from a conservation perspective. The group's main initiatives involve REDD+ project initiatives (APD) and more recently the LIFE Business and Biodiversity Certification, together with LIFE Biodiversity Credits. The organization's efforts regarding LIFE Certification are initially focused on creating protected areas from its Legal Reserve surpluses and monitoring fauna and flora. The project area is equal to 1,173 hectares of fully preserved native forest. | Neocert | 41.119,64 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Southwest Amazon and Madeira/Tapajós moist forests | | - |
Yaco - Seringal Porongaba | Seringal Porongaba, located in Sena Madureira, Acre, is a remote community that is undergoing significant transformations. The property is part of one of the five areas managed by the YACO group. Recently, based on the implemented REDD+ project initiatives, the area received improvements in connectivity with the installation of an internet communication tower, solar energy kits for homes, infrastructure improvements, training opportunities, health clinics and renovations in the local school. These initiatives are part of a forest conservation project that aims to transform standing forests into an attractive economic prospect for landowners, promoting sustainable development in the most isolated communities in the Amazon. Other initiatives regarding the preservation of the environment and biodiversity are linked to the LIFE Business and Biodiversity Certification and LIFE Biodiversity Credits, where the organization initially directs efforts in Seringal Porongaba to create protected areas from its Legal Reserve surpluses, in the fauna and flora monitoring and forest restoration projects. The project area is equal to 2,690.29 hectares of native forest. | Neocert | 68.875,58 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Southwest Amazon and Madeira/Tapajós moist forests | ||
Yaco - Seringal Potiguar | Seringal Potiguar is located in Sena Madureira, Acre, and is one of five rural properties under the management of the YACO group. Potiguar is part of the group's initiative to manage its areas from a conservation perspective. It is part of the REDD+ project (AUD+APD), with the aim of preserving the forest and supporting local communities. Potiguar follows the same principles of sustainable management, without agricultural exploitation, ensuring the conservation of biodiversity. In addition to the REDD+ initiatives, other initiatives such as the LIFE Business and Biodiversity Certification, together with the LIFE Biodiversity Credits, make up the set of preservation actions adopted. The organization's efforts regarding LIFE certification are initially focused on creating protected areas from its Legal Reserve surpluses and monitoring fauna and flora. The project area is equal to 2,446.08 hectares of fully preserved native forest. | Neocert | 74.970,14 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Southwest Amazon and Madeira/Tapajós moist forests | ||
Yaco - Seringal Palmares | Seringal Palmares is located next to the Katianã and Potiguar rubber plantations. It is part of the REDD+ project, with the aim of preserving the forest and supporting local communities. Palmares follows the same principles of sustainable management, without agricultural exploitation, ensuring the conservation of biodiversity, is an integral part of the YACO group and is located in Sena Madureira, Acre. In addition to the REDD+ initiatives (AUD + APD), other initiatives such as the LIFE Business and Biodiversity Certification together with the LIFE Biodiversity Credits make up the set of preservation initiatives adopted. The organization's efforts regarding LIFE certification are initially focused on creating protected areas from its Legal Reserve surpluses and monitoring fauna and flora. The project area is equal to 5,292.19 hectares of fully preserved native forest. | Neocert | 161.511,80 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Sudoeste da Amazônia e Interflúvio do Madeira/Tapajós | ||
Yaco - Seringal Katianã | Seringal Katianã is located in Sena Madureira, in the state of Acre, and is one of five rural properties under the management of the YACO group, which is part of the group's initiative to manage its areas from a conservation perspective. The group's main initiatives involve REDD+ project initiatives (AUD + APD) and more recently the LIFE Business and Biodiversity Certification, together with LIFE Biodiversity Credits. The organization's efforts regarding LIFE Certification are initially focused on creating protected areas from its Legal Reserve surpluses and monitoring fauna and flora. The project area is equal to 5,093.5 hectares of fully preserved native forest. | Neocert | 155.470,24 | Under assessment | Brazil | Amazon | Southwest Amazon and Madeira/Tapajós moist forests |