LIFE Biodiversity Credits

“A biodiversity credit is a certificate that represents a measured and evidence-based unit of positive biodiversity outcome that is durable and additional to what would have otherwise occurred.” – Biodiversity Credits Alliance

This result is assessed through a rigorous process of independent auditing and certification.

The positive balance has a tradable value in the market and can be negotiated as a biodiversity credit.

Explore here the rules applied to LIFE Biodiversity Credits.

Details about the methodology used to calculate Biodiversity Credits are available  here.

Biodiversity Credits Platform


The table below presents the following information: Company/Project, Certifying Body, Credit certification code, LIFE Biodiversity Credits, Project Status, Country, Biome, Ecoregion and Contact. To view all items, click on the table and drag to the side or use the scroll bar at the bottom.

Company/ProjectCertifying BodyCodeLIFE Biodiversity CreditsStatusCountryBiomesEcoregionContact
Caiman AgropecuáriaNeocertLIFE.LBC.003.BRA.0001.2024473,446.16LIFE Certified Company in credit analysis processBrazilPantanal
C-Pack ConservaTecpar CertLIFE.LBC.001.BRA.0013.202447,490.62LIFE Certified Company in credit analysis processBrazilAtlantic ForestSerra do Mar coastal forest
SPVS - Reserva Natural GuaricicaNeocertLIFE.LBC.003.BRA.0002.2024590,437.23 LIFE Certified Company in credit analysis processBrazilAtlantic Forest Serra do Mar coastal
SPVS - Reserva Natural das ÁguasNeocertLIFE.LBC.003.BRA.0003.2024271,762.80LIFE Certified Company in credit analysis processBrazilAtlantic ForestSerra do Mar coastal forest
SPVS - Reserva Natural Papagaio-de-cara-roxaNeocertLIFE.LBC.003.BRA.0004.2024521,795.51LIFE Certified Company in credit analysis processBrazilAtlantic ForestSerra do Mar coastal forest