LIFE Institute

Where does the LIFE Institute operate?

With international headquarters in Brazil, we also operate in Europe and Latin America.
We have in our DNA the commitment to incorporate the commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD/UN) into the business agenda.
As founding members of the Brazilian Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IBNBio – together with CEBDS and CNI), we promote cooperation and engagement of the Brazilian business sector internationally with the Global Business and Biodiversity Platform (GPBB/CDB/UN). In Europe, we are members of the European Business & Biodiversity Platform (EU B@B Platform) and collaborate with the Align Project – Aligning accounting approaches for Nature.
Recognize and add value to private and public institutions that develop actions in favor of biodiversity conservation.
To be an international reference in promoting integration between business and biodiversity conservation.
LIFE Coalition for
Business and Biodiversity

Launched on December 15, 2022 during the COP -15 on Biodiversity in Montreal, Canada, the LIFE Coalition for Business and Biodiversity is formed by a group of companies committed to accelerating the insertion of biodiversity into business strategy, through** concrete actions and transformative solutions proposed by the LIFE Institute**.
As a member of the LIFE Coalition, the company becomes a protagonist in the transformation of business models, including biodiversity as a response to the global environmental emergency and mitigation of the effects of climate change.
Engage in this groundbreaking movement, join this initiative of visionary leaders that connects business and biodiversity.
Members of LIFE Coalition for Business & Biodiversity

Business and Biodiversity

We have in our DNA the commitment to incorporate the commitments of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD/UN) into the business agenda.
As founding members of the Brazilian Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IBNBio – together with CEBDS and CNI), we promote cooperation and engagement of the Brazilian business sector internationally with the Global Business and Biodiversity Platform (GPBB/CDB/UN). In Europe, we are members of the European Business & Biodiversity Platform (EU B@B Platform) and collaborate with the Align Project – Aligning accounting approaches for Nature.
Our activities are carried out by a qualified technical team, coordinated by the Executive Secretary, directed by the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board.
In addition, we have the advice of the Permanent Technical Committee, which guides the development and continuous improvement of the Methodology and other tools focused on management for sustainability.