Board of Directors

With a tripartite governance system, we guarantee balance between representations from the private sector, civil society and members of academia in directing all the work carried out by the LIFE Institute.

Roberto Klabin

Founder of  Caiman-Pantanal; President of the Board of Directors of LIFE Institute, founder and adviser of SOS Mata Atlântica and Fundação SOS Pantanal

Maria de Lourdes Nunes

Executive Director of Boticario Group Foundation for Nature Protection; Vice President of LIFE Institute Board of Directors

Clóvis Borges

Conservationist, Founder and Executive Director of the Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education – SPVS

Fábio Alperowitch

CIO and Director of fame – Environmentalist, committed to making a positive impact through sustainable investments

Maria Alice Alexandre

CEO Permian Brazil

Márcia Marques

Professor at UFPR – CNPq Researcher working in Applied Ecology.

Miguel Serediuk Milano

Conservationist, Master’s and Ph.D. in Forest Sciences, with over 30 years of international experience as a professor, researcher, and executive in environmental companies and organizations.

Thomas M. Lewinsohn

Emeritus Professor of Ecology, University of Campinas; Senior Research Fellow, CNPQ (National Research Council Brazil).

José Maurício Coelho

CEO C-Pack Creative Packaging SA – Governance with Fluidity, Sustainability and Innovation.

Rosa Maria Lemos de Sá

General Secretary of Funbio – Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity

Wilson João Zonin

Superintendent of Environmental Management at Itaipu

Alexandre Gama

Founder CEO INOVNATION -Innovation Strategist, Marketing Specialist and Branding Expert

Rafael Loyola

Third Sector Executive and Professor at UFG – Leads organizations and specializes in biodiversity and sustainability.


Regiane Borsato

Executive Director

Rosana Renner

Executive Manager

Cecília Brosig

Institutional Relations

Rafael Baptista

Financial Administration

Renata Schaitza

Communications and Marketing

Amanda Rodrigues

Technical Advisor

Marcos Lorenzon

Technical Advisor

LIFE Latin America

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Technical Committee

The technical committees have experts representing academia, companies and civil society. They function as consultative advisory bodies for the continuous improvement of LIFE methodologies.

Company: Boticário Group, Itaipu Binacional, JTI and Posigraf.

Organized Civil Society:Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, MarBrasil and SPVS. 

Academy and Research Institutions: ICMBio, INPA, UFRJ, UFSCar, USP and UTFPR.

Fiscal Council

Erika Bechara

Partner at Szazi Bechara Storto Reicher e Figueiredo Lopes Advogados

Luis Gustavo Budziak

Partner at Valuup Consulting

Monica Borges

Corporate Partnerships Manager of non profit SPVS