LIFE KEY - Biodiversity Metrics

LIFE Key is a software that centralizes in a single place all information regarding your company’s relation with biodiversity: (a) B&B management indicators; Data for calculation of (b) “Biodiversity Pressure Impact/BPI” and (c) “Biodiversity Positive Performance/BPP” of any organization from any sector and size. It offers metrics that guide decision-making to effective nature conservation actions and reduction of impacts, helping the engagement, commitment and disclosure related to Target 15 of the Global Biodiversity Framework/GBF. LIFE Key enables organizations automatically disclosure their performance through different kind of reports, since the most technically detailed to the the most summarized and executive ones. Afterwards, the positive performance can be used as Biodiversity Credits, contributing with the financial targets of Global Biodiversity Framework.
Unlocking biodiversity

Understanding and effectively managing the risks associated with biodiversity loss is critical to the longevity of businesses and operations. Created to guide companies in this trajectory, LIFE Key is a tool that allows, in a clear and objective way, the evaluation of impacts, goals, engagement and results in biodiversity conservation.
Using LIFE Key your company effectively incorporates biodiversity into its management system.
Biodiversity management in a single, online, and collaborative environment

Your company can perform a Biodiversity Management diagnosis in 3 modules:
- Biodiversity Pressure – quantifies and monitors 5 environmental aspects related to biodiversity loss;
- Biodiversity Performance – quantitatively and qualitatively evaluates the conservation actions implemented;
- LIFE Standards – shows the organization’s level of commitment to biodiversity.
Get access to reports that help your company make decisions, providing a basis for adapting processes and allocating resources effectively.
Updated in real time, you can export reports of different types of data generated by the system, in detailed or summarized form, facilitating presentation to stakeholders.
The tool offers a differentiated panel for including and controlling information about your company.
Have the autonomy to manage your company’s users, providing access with a unique login and password, with different levels of permission, ensuring more security and control over who edits or views your data.
Local, national, and international conservation priorities are considered, as well as specificities of the region where you company is located.
Certification is granted by accredited Certifying Bodies, through independent audits. Results are publicly available.
Calculates and enables biodiversity credits complementary to decarbonization targets and ESG agenda.
The certification provides biodiversity metrics compatible with the main financial indices and corporate sustainability initiatives.
LIFE Certification for
Business and Biodiversity

A concrete solution that leads companies that voluntarily assume their responsibility for the conservation of biodiversity.
Get this recognition and incorporate this competitive differential into your brand.
Biodiversity in the ESG agenda

Positioning your brand on ESG themes generates value and increases consumers and stakeholders trust in your organization.
Energy efficiency, use of natural resources, waste management, climate change and biodiversity are some of the criteria considered in the environmental (E) aspect of the ESG.
Investors, financial analysts and investment funds are seeking companies that have outstanding practices in the environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) areas.
Having robust and reliable parameters is necessary to obtain concrete answers and highlight your company in the current global demands for corporate strategic positioning.
More than 50% of the global economy depends on natural resources. The consequences of biodiversity loss directly influence social and economic indicators. Without biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides, the costs of business operations would become unfeasible.
LIFE Key consolidates the indices of greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, land use and occupation, energy consumption, waste generated and waste recycled. In addition to these basic environmental management parameters, LIFE Key offers LIFE metrics on biodiversity performance, which reflect the balance between the pressure exerted by the company’s activities and the implemented conservation actions.
LIFE Key provides a solid base for implementing ESG environmental parameters. It substantiates the organization’s genuine commitment to the 2030 ONU Agenda.
In addition, it assists in decision making and the optimization of investments by measuring the “biodiversity balance”, evaluating the results of conservation projects and their capacity to compensate or even surpass the company’s pressure on biodiversity. Additionally, when the company is “nature positive” in this balance, it can be recognized through LIFE Certification (granted by a third party audit).
This is the perfect timing for companies to become protagonists in the implementation of concrete and effective biodiversity conservation actions to guarantee the longevity of their businesses, reduce risks to operations and stand out in the global market.
LIFE Key guides companies on this journey, optimizing decisions and investments, enabling transparency in communication and data disclosure and facilitating communication with stakeholders.

Organize your company's
biodiversity management right now

Become a
LIFE Consultant

Be a reference consultant in business and biodiversity. Offer consultancy for using the LIFE Key platform and preparing companies for LIFE Certification for Business and Biodiversity. Add this competitive differential to yours and your client’s portfolio.
Information made available in dynamic data panels, allowing the company to monitor its performance in real time.
A quick way to monitor your company’s situation in relation to the pressure exerted on biodiversity, conservation actions carried out and compliance with management indicators.