LIFE Certification

The LIFE Certification is a voluntary process that offers recognition to businesses committed to biodiversity conservation and maintaining ecosystem services. Accredited Certification Bodies are responsible for conducting third-party audits and issuing the LIFE Certificate. The Business and Biodiversity LIFE Certification system values the best international practices related to certification system management.

How to be LIFE Certified

The LIFE Certification is granted by an independent certification body. Please contact Accredited Certification Bodies for further details on the audit and certification process. If your company is interested in carrying out a preparation project for Certification by implementing the LIFE Methodology, rely on the support of Accredited LIFE Consultants.

Certification involves two steps:

Currently, LIFE Certification is available for countries in the European Union, Brazil, and Paraguay (and will soon be available in Mexico as well). However, the application of the Standard (step 1) to verify compliance with LIFE business and biodiversity indicators can be carried out in any country worldwide.

How the certification
process works

In this audit, the organization must demonstrate compliance with all minimum requirements of the methodology to obtain the Certificate.

Who are the certification bodies?

Currently, the accredited LIFE Certification Bodies are the Paraná Institute of Technology – TecparCert, Neocert, and Control Union.

Paraná Institute of Technology – TECPAR
Accreditation Certificate No. OCL 003
Accredited since: 12/06/2012
Tel: +55 41 3316-3213

Accreditation Certificate No. OCL 004
Accredited since: 21/10/2022
Tel: +55 19 3375-1060, +55 41 3316-3213

Control Union
Accredited since: 22/12/2016
Contact: Carlos Picco (Paraguay) –
Julio Pelegrineli (Brazil) –

Contact: Ignácio Bañeres Escribano –

If you’re interested in becoming an auditor, it’s necessary to:

Contact the accredited Certification Body to verify the required requirements; and,

Participate in the Auditor Training conducted by the LIFE Institute.

To become accredited, the Certification Body must undergo an approval process that includes the evaluation of a series of requirements related to impartiality, transparency, credibility, structure, and technical capacity. Additionally, they must adhere to specific procedures outlined in the LIFE Certification Bodies Accreditation Protocol. For further information, please reach out to us.

The LIFE Certification Management System follows the trend of the best international practices related to certification system management.

Organizations LIFE Certified

Gaia, Silva, Gaede & Associados
Escritório de Curitiba

Gráfica e Editora
Posigraf Ltda

Itaipu Binacional

Certified business unit(s): Margem Brasil, Foz do Iguaçu – PR

Botica Comercial Farmacêutica Ltda
Fábrica de São José dos Pinhais

C-Pack Creative Packaging

Certified business unit(s): São José Factory – SC
Certificate No: 2021.010
Initial Approval: 06/01/2021
Valid Until: 06/10/2026

JTI - São Mateus do Sul

Caiman Pantanal

Certified business unit(s): Caiman Agropecuária, Aquidauana – MS; Maria Angela and Roberto Klabin Institute (Imark) and RK Hoteis e Turismo, Miranda-MS
Certificate No: 0014.2024
Initial Approval: 06/14/2024
Valid Until: 06/13/2029

SPVS - Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educação Ambiental

Certified business unit(s): Papagaio-de-cara-roxa Private Natural Reserve, Guaraqueçaba – PR; Das águas Private Natural Reserve and Guaricica Private Natural Reserve, Antonina – PR
Certificate No: 0015.2024
Initial Approval: 06/14/2024
Valid Until: 06/13/2029

Celulose Nipo Brasileira S.A

Certified business unit(s): Forestry/Industrial, Belo Oriente – MG
Certificate No: 0020.2024
Initial Approval: 08/19/2024
Valid Until: 08/19/2029

BRDE - Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul

Certified business unit(s): Curitiba Agency – PR
Certificate No: 0023.2024
Initial Approval: 10/09/2024
Valid Until: 10/09/2029