LIFE Methodology traveling to Europe

Since 2017, LIFE has a representative in Europe, increasing the participation in debates and European platforms relating ‘business’ and ‘biodiversity’, allowing them to map the current needs of the European market.

In addition, the expertise acquired with the implementation of LIFE Certification and Methodology in Brazil and Paraguay, motivated LIFE to work on an adaptation project for LIFE Methodology in Europe.

The project has already the support of different institutions and it is divided into two phases. First, the methodology will be adapted to meet European specificities, including the creation of a European Technical Committee, the adaptation of documents and a public consultation process. In the second phase, operational issues will be implemented, including training of auditors, accreditation of certification bodies, pilot evaluations in companies and adaptation of LIFE Key management software.

Adapting LIFE Methodology to Europe will offer a new alternative for European businesses to implement effective, voluntary and measurable actions towards biodiversity conservation. LIFE Methodology is aligned to 85% of the UN Sustainable Development Goals related to the integrity of Biosphere and also integrates 90% of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) biodiversity-related topics. Therefore, the use of the methodology assists organizations to set sustainable goals with scientific and technical criteria and also facilitates the transparent disclosure of results.

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