LIFE Methodology is being adapted to Europe

LIFE Institute has started the technical adaptation of LIFE Methodology to Europe. This technical work is been executed jointly with Ecoacsa – Reserva de la Biodiversidad, LIFE Institute European representatives.

LIFE Methodology integrates business and biodiversity and it can be used by organizations of any size or sector of the economy. It can be adapted to any country or region, since it considers local and regional specificities to calculate impacts (negative and positive impacts).

Positive impacts are related to the conservation actions implemented by organizations and they must consider, additionally to international priorities, national and regional conservation priorities.

Negative impacts refer to pressure on biodiversity caused by organizations’ activities. They are measured in terms of the use of resources (water and energy consumption, waste generation, greenhouse gas emission, and area occupation. Its calculation must also considers local specificities, such as water availability, for example.

This technical work will be under development in the next few months and pilots on European companies are been planned.

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