LIFE Institute and Ecoacsa promoted webinar during the European Green Week

The LIFE Methodology was the protagonist of the webinar, organised by LIFE Institute in collaboration with Ecoacsa and Natural Capital Factory, on October 14 2020.

Maria Alice Alexandre, Executive Director of the LIFE Institute, used real business application examples to explain how LIFE Methodology supports organisations to manage, analyse and disseminate environmental data.

The LIFE Methodology helps organisations identify their impacts and design a strategic plan to reduce, mitigate and compensate them, including a specific approach to reduce impacts on the supply chain.
The adaptation of the LIFE Methodology to the European context has been carried out by Ecoacsa, whose Executive Director, David Álvarez, will also participate in the webinar to explain what this adaptation process has consisted of.
LIFE Methodology enables organisations to quantify objectively their impact on natural resources. It also provide strategic guidance to organisations to guarantee the effectiveness of their conservation actions.
Thus, the organisational management for sustainability must necessarily incorporate actions that contribute to improve environmental management, to measure and reduce the company’s impact and to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems services.

With the aim of being a real useful tool to business sector, LIFE Methodology considers:

  • Conservation of biodiversity as a voluntary action
  • The need for a conservation performance compatible with the potential impacts to biodiversity and to investment capacity, aiming to promote the engagement of enterprises from all sectors of the economy
  • Objectivity through the quantification of impacts and rating nature conservation actions from technical and scientifically recognized criteria.

LIFE Key web is a management tool that improves the efficiency of environmental data management and reporting. The use of the software also allows evaluation of conservation actions implemented by the organisation. The software generates detailed and executive reports supporting the decision-making process regarding the maintenance of biodiversity and the resilience of ecosystem services.

This online event was an EU Green Week partner event, jointly organised by LIFE Institute and the Natural Capital Factory – an initiative by Ecoacsa, where more that 40 people participated.

The webinar built on the case studies from companies that have already used LIFE Key to:

  • Improve the analysis of their environmental management system.
  • Measure, assess and compare their positive and negative impacts on biodiversity.
  • Assess actions plans focused on biodiversity.
  • Develop strategic communication of their business positive environmental performance.
  • Monitor their business results.
  • Compare results between business units

For further information, click to access the summary of the event or the presentation used.

To watch the webinar recording, access


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